Here we explore the general context of the android User Experience, it's role in the mobile platform space and the components that make up the the system. We are particularly interested in the version numbers and how version in general is managed.
Android UX
Android introduced a new user interface language to the world, one that is gradually evolving in flexibility and expressiveness. Here we review the principle elements of this language and how its is incorporated into attractive and usable applications
Donation 01 Application
The first application exhibits a range of new concepts you will not have come across before. Here we tour this app in detail, exploring each of the artifacts we have composed, and attempt to get a sense of how they fit together to form a running app.
Here we proceed to explore in detail the creating of a simple activity class + the associated layout. This process will seem quite complex on first contact - but as we proceed through the labs over the next few sessions the deep structure should start to emerge.